• द. नं:३५२/०५५/०५६
  • पान. नं : ३०३२११५०५
  • +०४८-५४०३८० , +०४८-५४०६८०

Educational loan

Educational loan

Interest Rate: 12%


Debt provided for indigenous and foreign higher education will be a permanent income source for a loan member or a family's dependence on this kind of loan.
1 loan period
This type of duration will be up to 5 years.
Loan limit 2
This type of loan will be invested only Rs. 5 lakhs.
3 interest rate
In this title, the Interesting Board of Directors will be in force from time to time.
4 payment method 
Debt payment will be done in half-yearly kisadbandam. 
5 grace time
This type of loan will be provided for a period of up to 6 months. But Grace will have to be done in Kastasband during the period of time.